速報APP / 房屋與房產 / RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:340 S Lemon Ave # 5499 Walnut, CA United States

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖1)-速報App

It's the must-have app for every renter. Just tell the smart assistant what you need help with. Try it without creating an account!

Selected as "Best of legal apps" and known as the #1 social app just for renters. You can use RenterPeace to learn your rights, stay updated on neighborhood news, assign roommates to do the dishes, get reminded to pay your cable bill, share your renter story in the guestbook, and more.

Tenant Rights ("Best of" legal apps on Android - Producthunt)

► See applicable landlord-tenant laws for your problem and region, without the legalese (US only)

► Learn your options, including how to notify authorities or go to housing court without a lawyer (US only)

► Document your problems and notify your landlord.

► Write reviews of your landlord and other stories in the guestbook.

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖2)-速報App

► Just search for: "My roof is leaking", "My landlord is not returning my deposit", or "Leave a review"

Local News and Forum (#1 social app just for renters)

► In thousands of cities in numerous countries, you’ll see neighborhood news in a social feed, keeping you connected to new restaurant openings, city townhalls, events, and changes to local laws.

► The world’s first “social guestbook” allows renters use social media to help other renters. Once you move out, your anonymous posts are safely shared with the next tenant at your apartment. Example: Post a question about bed bugs today. The next tenant will see: “A previous at your apartment posted: Anyone know how to get rid of bedbugs?”

► Safety is our #1 priority! Our advanced AI and user reporting system catch doxxing and other possible abuses of social media.

► The social guestbook is the best way to write and receive apartment reviews.

► Just search for: "Leave a review", "I have a crazy story", or "Tell me about local news"

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖3)-速報App

Free Add-Ons (Stay productive!)

► Enable free add-ons. Manage your chores, shopping lists, or bills by simply enabling the appropriate add-on.

► Reminders appear right in your RenterPeace social feed, transforming your desire to slack off into productivity

► Split chores and shopping lists with your roommate or significant other to stay reminded

► Visualize how often you do each chore and how much each person contributes

► Just search for: "Laundry", "Roommate is not doing the dishes", or "Plan my trip"

It’s Everywhere

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖4)-速報App

► RenterPeace is also accessible on any modern web browser. Just visit https://app.renterpeace.com.

► RenterPeace is used in hundreds of cities and dozens of countries (some features are only available in the US)

► Homeowners love us too! They use it primarily for just keeping track of their to-dos and bills.

► The RenterPeace smart assistant has the answer. Just type in any feature, question, or task and you’ll see the right tool.

Note about legal help information

RenterPeace was selected as "Best of Legal Apps" by Product Hunt. While we are proud to present easy access to legal information, we are not a law firm. We do not offer Legal Advice, participate in any legal representation, or otherwise substitute for an informed analysis of how the law applies to the specific facts of your situation. RenterPeace is not a "lawyer referral service." Legal information is primarily only made available in the US, but we offer legal self-help tools that may be useful anywhere (e.g., document your problems or notify a landlord).


RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖5)-速報App

Problem or question? Just type in "help" and select the "Give Us Feedback" option or just email us at info@renterpeace.com. We respond very quickly. We love hearing from you and are very diligent about fixing any bugs or problems quickly.

RenterPeace - Everything a Renter Needs(圖6)-速報App